The First Year

No one prepares you for the first night, the first week, the first month with a new born. We learnt a lot and fast as we were away from family, during a pandemic and snow storm. It was easy to nestle at home but also very scary to be left alone with a brand new shiny baby, a sore body and raw emotions.
I also quickly realized how disproportionate parenting was… my body was constantly in demand during the nine months of making a baby, and now feeding the baby but all I heard was how much the baby looked like his dad!
But through all the pain, emotions, leaky breasts and excessive sweating, I cannot believe I made you.

Before having Samar, we took a two day parenting class together. It was packed with information, some funny, odd and at times freaky.
But nothing really prepared you when you are screaming your lungs out, dodging the pee spray while your baby is crying at the sudden commotion. After a few weeks(let’s admit, MONTHS) we realized our strengths and had a great teamwork when it came to feeding, burping, diaper changes and bathing the babe. Go team!
And don’t tell me you never compared a baby body part to food. How can you not eat those ‘chonky’ little feet (okay I’ll stop now)

The first year is so special, every month you get to celebrate a milestone. You get to build your own special bond with the little one.
R and I both have our own special bond with Samar. As he grows, he’ll need us both differently. Our love for each other grows watching the other fall in love with Samar.

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