Pregnancy after loss

After suffering through a miscarriage in 2020, I was very anxious regarding this pregnancy and had a hard time enjoying the early stages.
By keeping a pregnancy journal and documenting my thoughts and milestones, I was able to overcome the lows and be grateful for the second chance.
My art is and will always be truthful and authentic, capturing the raw emotions and the highs and lows of life.

Titled, April 2021

Sharing a little behind the scene doodles of what is turning out to be my most precious DIY project
In April I took a pregnancy test during solo lunch break and spent the next hour and half jittery with excitement, waiting for R to get home so I can blurt out the good news.

Titled, May 2021

I ended up getting two back to back ultrasound to make sure if we were having a single baby or twins! My Gujju brain was tempted to get a deal of buy 1 get 1 free.
But we were relieved knowing we have a single potato growing strong. It is crazy to see the tiny flicker of heart beating of this new life form.

Titled, June 2021

The first twelve weeks felt slow and long but what kept us going through the weeks was to find food ingredients in our pantry that matched the size of the fetus that week. I’d even try to eat that fruit, seed if it matched the current size of the baby.

Titled, July 2021

At the long weekend I fought through the all day morning sickness and we took a short rocky mountain road trip as a family.
I may have puked all the way back on our scenic drive from Jasper to Banff but the glacier walk made it all worthy.

Titled, August 2021

In august, on my birthday I posted a subtle-not so-subtle picture of my belly and a pair of baby shoes that I made. I was so nervous to put this out here for the fear of jinxing it or getting the attention I might not want. but since then I’ve received nothing but positive messages from you all. My art has always been honest and I hope I can continue doing so.

Titled, September 2021

In September we took time off to stay at a cabin with few close friends and the baby’s future best friends… they’ll be a year or few apart but just like their parents they’ll have their own potluck parties and play dates.
Staying overnight with a baby and a toddler gave us some insight of what our future will be.

Titled, October 2021

In this last trimester, there is a lot of group hugs going around in our house. Less than 4 weeks to go for the due date and babu is slowly making its way to join us.
We are so excited, rest is being prioritized although I am in full nesting mode so making a lot of to do lists even now.

Titled, November 2021

Pregnancy with covid isolation was tough.
Not being able to share the joy and celebrate with loved ones and friends, not being allowed to dine out, watch movies, etc were small sacrifice to bring a healthy child earth side.

Titled, December 2021

Let it snow, Let it snow.
It has been a quiet beautiful white Christmas at our home. I am at a stage where I cannot see my toes and getting off the couch is a task I best avoid. We are waiting little one.

Hello Samar!

Only 5% babies come exactly on their due date.
Samar made it on time! And what a journey it was!
Now we are a family of three, so much to look forward to in 2022.
Happy New Year!

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